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Thank you so much AGNIESZKA, for this big present, your acrobatic show , which will give to our show the 3 dimensional POESIE : THE LIGHTNESS of the AIR. And with POIS, BALLS....she will invite you to juggle with her.
About AGNIESZKA : Agnieszka's interest in the circus started during her studies in Torun (Poland) where she began to perform on the street and organized a fire show event with other artists from the city, after which she began to organize international circus festivals. In the interaction with other invited artists she gained more experience. After some time she moved to Berlin where she studied aerial acrobatics. Part of the circus life comes with a travelling lifestyle and she continued her circus education taking part in an international project in Turkey. She attended the Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles, in Belgium for Circus Padagogy.
Website : http://www.cyrkdosole.de/reference |
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| |  | |  | | BISARA TWISTER : CONTORSION | THANK YOU SO MUCH DEAR SARA to offer and to share with us your talent during this event
About SARA: Sara Twister is an international performing artist specializing in the skills of contortion and hula hoop. Born in Bombay, India, and raised over 4 continents, she began performing at an early age, and would later discover her passion for the circus arts whilst touring as a fire dancer with a group of 15 international performing artists of different genres throughout central America. This led her to train and further develop her skills in hula hoop, dance, and contortion at the IVA, international Variete Acadamy, in Berlin, Germany, and was accepted at the Escola Nacional de Circo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to participate in a study program for professional artists specializing in contortion. She has performed in a variety of venues around the world, including festivals, cabaret, dinnershows, corporate events, and childrens parties, both as solo acts and with performance groups. With a variety of skills to choose from and a creative mind, her shows are easily adaptable to suit many kinds of themes and environments.
email : sarasmittie@yahoo.com |
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|  | |  | |  ROOSA HäMäläINEN
Multitalented, i will discover her at the same time than you.....
About ROOSA: Roosa Hämäläinen was born December 1987 in Tampere, Finland together with her twin brother. She spent her early times climbing into bookshelves, playing with her brothers who were always there if it was too scary to try something alone, like fitting herself into a luggage and accidently locking it up.
Roosa started at young age in artcrafts school. It raised her to think in a way that it is possible to create yourself. To complete your ideas and dreams.
At the age of 14 Roosa changed the crafts into circus. She spent couple hours a week at Sorin Sirkus youth circus. Later on she was there four days a week training and specializing into juggling.
After finishing her high school Roosa went to study journalism into Voionmaa college. There she was writing stories into several newspapers.
After finishing Voionmaa she applied into the Circus department of Codarts, in The Netherlands.
Now she is graduated (2011) as Bachelor of circus arts from Codarts - Circus Arts with ball juggling and handstands as her main disciplines.
Website http://www.sirkusraja.com/ |
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|  | |  | | ZUZANA STUETZ : HULA HOOP DANCE | Grace and Harmony"
Hula Hooping is my pasion and became my sence of life. When I meet people who have never heard of modern hula hooping they stare at me asking: „you roll your hoop on your hips for hours? Don´t you get bored with the time?“ I have to laugh and then I explain that I let my hoop roll over all parts of my body- arms, hands, shoulders, breast, legs, feet. I also bring the movements from Modern Dance, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and other martial arts together with hooping and creating HoopDancing. When you are hooping your all body is working and it makes you laugh!
Website : : www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200314382042017&;set=vb.1228102037&type=3&theater |
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|  | |  | | JO MOSS : GIANT HULA HOOP | You will fly in the symbiosis of its ART combine with an amasing technique level.
About JO MOSS: "Having started young in theatre and sports, circus was a natural combination of the two" Jo says. "I started my studies at Circomedia in Bristol for two years, I then went on to France to train for a year in Piste D'Azur where I started my life with the wheel and dance. After this I succeeded in entering in to Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque (ESAC) where I specialised in Cyr wheel graduating with BA Hons.
Since finishing my studies I have taken part in many events, worked for a variety of companies including Franco Dragone, DREAM, Mauvais Esprits, Cirque Bijou, Picadilly Circus Circus as well as being a regular at The Box, Soho, London. I am currently in production for a 3D film in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil, FEDEC and Camara Boreal.
The style I work in is based on a strong technical base. Working on different axes, suspensions, jumps and more. Combining this with research in rhythm, speed, amplitude, theme and gesture. I find dance and play are useful tools in creating and researching on the wheel. I enjoy working on different ways to manipulate the wheel, move around the wheel and developing an expressive body both on and off the wheel. Developing and maintaining a body that can cope with the strains of the wheel is essential. Building the right muscles to support you and the stretching are very important to avoid injury and progress technically. I believe that everyone has their own style to discover on the wheel, and there is still a lot to be discovered!". Contact : https://www.facebook.com/jomoss87 Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlVR7rL6tOc |
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About BEATRICE : Her desire to dance and spin high up in the air in a state of weightlessness, she discovered, when sensing closeness to the holy spirits. She develops her skills in the artistic disciplines as aerial silks and aerial hoop partly at the Scuola Romana di Circo in Rome, by attending different aerial workshops and mainly autoditactically by her own will desire to evolute. The combination of her natural sense for organic motions and dynamics together with the Aerial Artistry, the spiral turns and pirouettes have become one of the main characteristics of her aerial work. Since 2013 she works as a Dancer & Aerial Artist in Berlin for theatre, varieté, congresses/venues and collaborates internationally with other artists.
“I believe strongly that we have the power to heal & reveal each other's hearts through the arts and by sharing our energies, spirits and knowledge in order to improve life´s quality!” (Beatrice Kessi)
Website : http://beadance.com/video/ |
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About OLEKSIY : In einer einzigartigen Symbiose aus Kraft, Balance und Perfektion präsentiert sich der junge Ukrainer Oleksiy Khilya mit seinem selbstkreierten Handstandact. Nach großem Erfolg in verschiedenen Gruppenshows u.a. beim Zirkusfestival in Monte Carlo erobert der Weltmeister der Sportakrobatik nun solo die Bühnen der Welt. Lassen Sie sich entführen !
Website : http://www.oleksiy-khilya.de/Equlibristic/Willkommen.html |
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|  | |  | | MARIO MONTERO CLOWN, MAGIC, JUGGLER | Humour Poesy, tenderness, a family life in a Wide World"
Circus MARIO: Schon als kleiner Junge packte mich die Abenteuerlust und die Faszination an Zauberkunst und Gauklerei, so spielte ich gerne mit Feuer und war ständig im Wald unterwegs wo ich mir aus dem, was ich finden konnte etwas schnitzte/bastelte und spielte. Ich übte mich in Jonglage mit jeglichen Gegenständen zum Teil auch während dem Balancieren auf meiner Slackline, mir macht es immer wieder viel Spaß mir neue Fähigkeiten anzueignen wie unter anderem Luftballon modellieren, Feuer-schlucken/spucken, im Moment lerne ich das Gitarre und Mundharmonika spielen, was sich als eine weitere Herausforderung herausstellte. Doch sind schon kleine Fortschritte zu erkennen welche mir wieder Motivation geben kräftig weiter zu üben, somit macht das wachsen an Herausforderungen unglaublich viel Freude und es scheint alles möglich.
Seit 2010 besuche ich eine Zauberschule in Berlin, wo ich viel über Zauberei und auch über den Umgang mit dem Publikum und deren Reaktionen lernen konnte, natürlich auch das ein oder andere Kunststück und auch schon kleine selbst kreierte Spielereien, woraus sich mittlerweile meine eigene Show entwickelt hat. Die ich vor Publikum in Kindergärten, Weihnachtsmärkten und auf offener Straße vorführe Im letzten Jahr schloss ich erfolgreich eine Clown Ausbildung in Hamburg auf der Schule Clown-werden von Uli Tamm ab. Wo ich durch verschiedene Methoden und Techniken meine eigene Clown Figur gefunden und erarbeitet habe. Diese Ausbildung hat mir in vielerlei Hinsicht Freude bereitet welche ich nun schon in kleinen Nummern weiter geben kann. Website :http://www.simple-miracles.de/aktuelles/ |
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| |  | |  | | GRUAJEE : JUGGLING | 
GRUAJEE will juggles for you and with you. He is juggler, painter, but also singer, musicien, create instruments etc...so many...: well, an artist and its own planet. You have to visit it . What i can garanty is a nice moment of humanity and sincerity.
About Gruajee : My project is called 'l taller de so y jog's in german klangraumwerkstadt spielraum ---> schafft freiraum ... integrati'on von randgruppen ... vergabe von stependien ... english ; studio of sound and ard'T's ... we create free and empty space
ABUDABU , ufafabrik Berlin , RAW - Tempel .,. www.tacheles.de .,. Matti Klarwein .,. Ales - Sasha Rodin .,. Scotty & Juppy from ufafabrik Baerlin .,. prof dr neuhaus .,. study's : architectura, psycologia, buissines, gestalttherapie, rebirthing, musikinstrumentebau .m,. i. l. 'l princ'ipe philip's
Website : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIY922zLpqA |
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