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PAINTING | You are welcome to Paint : YOUR OWN MESSAGE OF PEACE ...all material will be there and artists painters will help you in your needs, or questions
KATHARINA LENGFELD will LEAD the PAINTING SECTION : go to her for anything you need
You can let your drawings there for an austellung during the festival |
She is feminity, the creativity, the inspiration, the love, SHE IS : "ALL WHAT YOU NEED FOR TO LOVE TO SHARE A MOMENT OF ART WITH US".
about KATHARINA : nach meinem architekturstudium habe ich bis juli 2011 bühnenbild und szenischen raum an der tu berlin studiert und lebe und arbeite auch danach weiterhin in berlin. ..mit licht und raum, natürliche materialien und den versuch stimmungen zu erzeugen. _collagen_zeitungsausschnitten, postkarten, fotos, zeichnungen und stoffen _zeichnungen_bleistift, aquarell, tusche und fineliner auf papier oder pappe
Website :http://couragederever.blogspot.de/
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A MAESTRO...i think all is said......"
About ALEXANDER : The work of the painter Luis Fernandez has evolved as a few, within the regional art scene in recent years. After a period dominated by the representation of symbolic spaces in the Region of Murcia, as in his famous series on the wheels, or modular elements, as its series of wooden packaging for fruit, has reached the level of the urban landscape through the creation of impossible cities produced from buildings paradigmatic of contemporary civilization.... In the case of Luis Fernandez, continues that tradition of empty and deserted city where nobody lives. But most city buildings should talk about. Because cities of Luis Fernandez not exist in reality, but lurking in the imagination of the painter. An imagination that gives rise to unique areas dominated by buildings which represent the great moments of contemporary architecture. You could say that his painting pays homage to these buildings that are now icons of contemporary culture...... Luis Fernandez combined in the same area buildings of different backgrounds with different views of the same building, showing scenes impossible. Scenes that can only happen in the mind of the painter. In this sense, his work is far from instituting the means of representation such as photography, film or television, and seeks a fourth dimension that transcends the laws of time and space.....
Website : http://www.luisjfernandez.com/ |
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|  | |  | | OLA LIOLA | Fantastic!!!! Fascinating !!!!! Welcome for a travel in yourown imaginary, carried by the Beauty and Harmony !!!!!!
About OLA : I have a concept which, probably, stands under the theme and it is connected to a flight. Or to be more exact to Aerophilia. My Aerophilia series is a "Thoughts of flightless bird". The bird which envies to "others" for their wonderful wings and wishes to get their wings. The series include watercolor paintings on thick watercolor paper and paper made installation.
Short text about me and my works: "I capture my art as experience based surrealism, reality turning into a MYTH . The images are decorative, almost trying too hard to be pretty. In a closer look, though, one can see different layers and an abundance of details. The collection of many fine details and textures emphasizethe characteristic and energy of the figure I'm CREATING.
My inspirations coming from ancient mythology, microbiology, biotechnology, genetic, zoology and mixed by ethnic textile embroidery and asian art." Website : http://www.olaliola.com |
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|  | |  | | VERIDIANA LEITE |  About VERIDIANA : Nasceu em Ribeirão Preto em 1979. Vive e trabalha no Rio de Janeiro. É publicitária, formada em 2002 pela ESPM/ Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing de São Paulo. Em 2008 se formou em Artes Visuais na Escola Massana de Barcelona, Espanha. Desde 2010 estuda na Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage além de freqüentar grupos de estudos. Trabalha na Revista Dasartes e como artista plástica em seu atelier na antiga fábrica Bhering.Como artista visual, Veridiana Leite participou em uma coletiva no espaço cultural do BNDES no Rio de Janeiro em maio de 2011 e no 36° SARP – Salão de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Nacional-Contemporâneo *SARP de Ribeirão Preto. Também realizou uma exposição individual na Galeria Adearte de Ribeirão Preto em junho de 2011. Atualmente está fazendo uma residência em Berlim no AGORA Collective. Veridiana Leite, designer and visual artist. Born in 1979 in Brazil. She studied visual arts at the Massana School of Barcelona where she lived seven years, then moved three years to Rio de Janeiro and currently lives and works in Berlin. Painting, installation, photography, video and graphic design are the means of her work, interested in issues related to everyday scenes, between realism and abstraction which uses color as a transforming agent of her works.
Website : www.veridianaleite.blogspot.com |
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|  | |  | | ALEXANDER DELLANTONIO | a philospher using artistic concept as Message"
About ALEXANDER : Alexander Dellantonio, geboren in Bozen, heute 27 Jahre alt, lebt und ist kuenstlerisch aktiv in Berlin seit 8 monaten. studierte an der Akademie der Feinen Kuenste in Florenz. Die Strassen und ihre Dynamiken, die Waende und Papierplakate, die sozialen Ausseinandersetzungen werden in seinen Arbeiten auf der gleichen Ebene gesetzt. Aus dem gesammelten Material entsteht eine klare und immer unvermeidlichere Vision der Realitaet, vielfaeltig und unendlich bunt in der Varietaet der Farben und Abbildungen, als auch konfliktuell und bescheiden in dem alltaeglichen Krieg, in den uns der Kapitalismus durch seine Arbeitswelt und seiner Oekonomie zwingt. Seine Arbeiten sind Morgen, Freitag 07.06.2013 in der kollektiven Ausstellung fuer die 4 Jahres der “X LAB Gallerie” in Skalitzerstrasse 67 in Berlin Kreuzberg zu sehen. Um 18.30 geht es los mit dem Vernissage und der Ausstellung. Wegen der geringen Zeit hat sich aber der Kuenstler fuer eine direktere Arbeitsmetode entschieden und wird deshalb ein Portrait mit der Technik der Schablonenmalerei, bzw des Stencils, vorfuehren.
Website : http://newartexpo.com/fr/Alexander+Dellantonio |
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|  | |  | |  ARTHUR KISITUA BEAUTIFUL PROJECT and IDEA FOR PEACE, TO BUILT A BRIDGE BETWEEN PEOPLE OPPRESSED and PEOPLE LUCKY, asking for a direct support from people to people, from children to children, to inform, to understand, to love, and to built together, a BRIDGE FOR JUSTICE and so PEACE
about ARTHUR : Peace Matters – an Africa/Europe Art Exchange project for children - Arthur Kisitu lives and works in Kampala, Uganda. He regards himself an ARTivist because his work emphasizes story telling through documentary photography and other visual arts as a means to create awareness and offer alternative solutions. Since many years he connects to the children in Katanga - `No man`s land` - an area right in the center of Kampala where mostly war-displaced families built up their pity shelters. He interviews and films the children in their everyday activities, organizes art events and `tea ceremonies`. Most of all he gives them attention and a platform. In this art exchange project a reciprocal connection between european and african children shall be established supported by the childrens innate creativity and curiosity, making them meet each other at friend level not at the unequal level of helpless-helper. Arthur will present movies he has done with the Katanga children. He will bring an art installation called “Peace Matters” which the children in Katanga have started and offer the children here to contribute to it. He will document this process and show to the children back home. Arthur Conrad Kisitu is an artist/photographer from Uganda. He exhibited work in the Netherlands - Rotterdam Photo museum and Center for Contemporary Art in Dordrecht. He did documentary work in the West Sahara - the struggle of the Sahrawi nomadic tribes in their pursuit for independence. And he presented at the center for African studies Cologne University an art installation inspired by Katanga 'Slum'. He founded the charitable organization Sweet Home Uganda (SHUGA). His work with street children was presented at the Uganda German Cultural Society. www.theportraithome.com Welt ohne Krieg und Gewalt e.V. is the german branch of World without Wars and Violence, an international organization that works on overcoming violence with non-violent methods – promoting understanding and reconciliation by cooperating and exchanging at a human level, working on a change in consciousness. Most visible project has been the worldwide march for peace and nonviolence in 2009. Website :www.weltohnekriege.de an other web http://theportraithome.com/home/ |
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Musicien and painter, let speak the energy free to express on the paper, its own colors, and notes, until the energy gives us its soul..
About WOJTEK : Music and painting.... Musical introduction as an opening tune and painting used as a poster for a theatre spectacle ....with Jean Novaque "Accursed poets society" Wojetk doesn t speak so much about what he does, but he does and move a lot, from Galeries, TVs, Radios, Concerts...
Follow its actuallity at.......... Website : https://www.facebook.com/wojtek.wieckowski |
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About : Nacht- und Nebelaktion gezeugt. Das Medallion meiner Mutter mit der Datumsangabe und der Inschrift: "Die schönste Nacht meines Lebens" - Dein Helmut- halte ich bis heute in Ehren. Wann ich genau geboren wurde geriet leider aus Schuld- und Schamgefühlen in Vergessenheit.
Man fand mich mit einem kurzem Brief und besagtem Silberschmuck -weit von meiner heutigen Heimat entfernt- als kleines Baby in einem goldgelben Weidenkorb vor den Toren eines weitläufigen Klosterkomplexes. Bis heute pflege ich die Verbindung zur Schwestern- und Bruderschaft.
Ich bin unter anderem wahrscheinlich deshalb seit meiner frühesten Kindheit aktiver Verweigerungskünstler und der vielleicht einzige Maler und Dichter der nicht per Vers für Geld arbeitet.
Wenn ich allerdings performe passiert es mir ab und an schon einmal das Mensch sich einen Reim auf das Erlebte machen kann.
Website : https://www.facebook.com/christian.lottmann.9 |
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|  | |  | | GRUAJEE : PAINTER | Gruajee is painter, but also singer, musicien, create instruments etc...so many...: well, an artist and its own planet. You have to visit it . What i can garanty is a nice moment of humanity and sincerity. About Gruajee : My project is called 'l taller de so y jog's in german klangraumwerkstadt spielraum ---> schafft freiraum ... integrati'on von randgruppen ... vergabe von stependien ... english ; studio of sound and ard'T's ... we create free and empty space the logo is easy WE................... ME ....................... more together less alone Like the old tradition of my family beeing a starter and catalysator we are alife nobody KEN stopp US .,. WE. ME ............... more and more my working unconciente apears while WE............ ME ................... watching it born in Mallorca in Campops del Puerto k 's la PUERTA traditional los abuelos me llaman : trenqueklosques ... no way in no way out WE ME ........ gruajee 's a chanal 'n google ... .... upsairs apears the youtube-chanal life is love just google it ........... & ............... enjoy yourselfe in Berlin founded several firms FIPS schafft neuen DURCHBLICK .,. CLEANINGSERVICE .,. Fa. KOS - bau .,. keep on smiling HOCH und TIEFBAU mit Micha als Partner ...... all is still running .,. after WE ME .............. sold all WE ME ............ went home to mallorca and start to studdy NOU - ARD't which WE ME start to offer NOU to everybody who like to .,. join in .,.WE ME .,. working together con ABUDABU , ufafabrik Berlin , RAW - Tempel .,. www.tacheles.de .,. Matti Klarwein .,. Ales - Sasha Rodin .,. Scotty & Juppy from ufafabrik Baerlin .,. prof dr neuhaus .,. study's : architectura, psycologia, buissines, gestalttherapie, rebirthing, musikinstrumentebau .m,. o 'n last not least WE ME................ fafourite 's MEDITATION ALL>,<DO-GETHER oh >,< SO i. l. 'l princ'ipe philip's Website : https://www.facebook.com/gruajee.lucz?fref=ts |
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