since always Metissia loves art, and sing, dance, paint, act, write always..

I got a scholarship for musical studies. The conditions was, to promise to never stop Art.
First i said yes, for to get the Scholarship, but then, i discover as much art is infinite, and that you never finish to learn it ,,and so,  i was suddenly convainced : Yes, i will do Art all my life cause it' s a travel fantastic, in which you never finish to explore.

I discover also that to be Master of oneself is about to train to master oneself  deeply whatever the domain, and Art is for me the freer place in the world for  to create the reality you want to be, to create, to share.

Then I had to choose, what Art will be my main Art. So i have chosen Singer, Writer, and Composer,  cause like that i will could always on stage do both arts, to sing and dance, act at the same time, and write, and create the athmospher of my own world, to offer to the audience always  a new travel

But Philosophy is my Main passion, so to give sence to Art is for me the link with ART OF LIVING, and ART of LIVING is the only REAL TRUE ART.
To Connect CREATION to REAL ART, is a WAY to give to ART a REALITY. 

Since very young, i love to CREATE, and i think :"i have 1 brain, 2 arms and 2 feet : why do i would have to lost my time to do all my life what the other do. First cause they do so that bring nothing more., second cause there is so many things t explore and to use in oneself, for to develop the potential we have each one : ONESELF..

Humanism was always  for me the only objective which has a real value.. so How to give my time to Art, without to became superficial and inconsistent, without to fall into an ego trip and lost the link to Humanity ??
  • to do my Art, but to give my best to the people,, and if i have one day money with, to make something good for humanity, cause it' s probably the only function which give sence on this planet, to create a world always more PACIFIST, MORE HUMANIST

about METISSIA ART and CONCEPT (page 2)

that was  a key, i have  to find  the balance between  myself, to love me, to be sincer, to  never stop my own evolution necessary to my own happiness,
to can give at the same time my best to the world, to share this part of humanism which  is inside of each one, often like  a broken dream, and sometime, the dream in one wakes up and  gives  wings for to be happy,

OK SO THAT IS THE THEME OF MY LIFE and ART, to develop my happiness and to bring happiness to the world, not an happiness of 1 minute, which let you on the shit 1 minute later, but a CONSTANT  HAPINESS .

i want to be happy, to be free, and it is  this message that i want to give...to wake up the hearts, to support my audience into their own happiness..not to be an artist like a stupid idol, but to offer to the audience something good for their soul
this freedom and humanism, want to scratch all the frontier, for  a worl of broherhood...So i didn t obey to a style, why to learn 1 rhythm then there milliard of rhythms....???  why to learn a range when there is milliard of harmony,.???? the movement of atom is the Music, and has no frontier, that is teh reality of science, the reality of music...WHATEVER I DO, I' M ECLECTIC cause i can' t reduce me, for human rules which don t belong to UNIVERSAL RULES, i look for sence, harmony which allows me to be happy...(i know, some think that happiness is not  a reality...but i think, the human being has the capacity to organize himself for to don t suffer, what can' t do an animal who lives in the precarity..so the human can preview for to don t be in  a survival situation which push him into cruality) ..

about METISSIA ART and CONCEPT (page 3)

  • PHILOSOPHY (following)
this freedom and humanism, want to scratch all the frontier, for  a worl of broherhood...So i didn t obey to a style, why to learn 1 rhythm then there milliard of rhythms....???  why to learn a range when there is milliard of harmony,.???? the movement of atom is the Music, and has no frontier, that is teh reality of science, the reality of music...WHATEVER I DO, I' M ECLECTIC cause i can' t reduce me, for human rules which don t belong to UNIVERSAL RULES, i look for sence, harmony which allows me to be happy...(i know, some think that happiness is not  a reality...but i think, the human being has the capacity to organize himself for to don t suffer, what can' t do an animal who lives in the precarity..so the human can preview for to don t be in  a survival situation which push him into cruality) ..YES, I discoverd that i m  ECLECTICISM PHILOSOPHER, in all what i do and live, looking for the link between : and I experimented theories, using idealism, sensuality, septicism, mysticism, and i add on it,  the  relation ship from causes to effects for to test my theories, that i adopt as soon as they stay available for each type of situations : i would say that I' AM iN SEARCH OF UNIVERSAL LAWS, which are my main interest in Philosophy.
all my songs are philosophical, poetic (i m also very inspired by the chinese poetry, for their pictural strenght into YiKing philosophy)
my operas are more experimental : voices are often use like an instrument, and some sentences come here and there for to give some keys of meditation, and then soetime  a text, which tell a storie about it.....
like a real instrument, i explore the full potential of my voice :  as an acrobat, juggling with words  in  a range of 5 octaves,  from one syllable to one other,  in all kind of rhythms, harmonies and style of voice.
i love symphonies of sounds, when the richness of harmonies, with the superposition of million notes, offer you a bunch of chords always new, for to delight your ears, and probably unify your body in the wide spectrum of frequency that you allow to be,,the same bout the rhythm, about the color of sound, i like to create music which move like  a forest in which each element is free and independant, but play at the same time all just together

about METISSIA ART and CONCEPT (page 4)

dance, life is  a continuity, it  s true for the music groove, but the same for the movement,,, and independance and freedom are also there, but coordinate on one flow. The body is like  a chain, all links in a chain, are connected together, but move independently each one from the each other
  • ACT
the expression, the swing , the fantasy of communication which allow every day to create life, to play in  a symphony of possibility, without any jugement, justto share the fantasy, the sincerity, the reality,
  • PAINT 
if you let the same swing, to express freely on  a paper, then  suddenly drowings appears, and curiously are all in 3Dimention, just cause the nature is so...
is very important, cause it'  s allowing to be on life at each moment, on the continuity of the life movement, energy,  to let flow  and express itself  life : or to bring you to the place where you want to go, experiment, travel, visit.
is the magic part of life and art,,more you make you fluid, and more you can travel, until the place where you sent your spirit,, it  s the science of the invisible science of life, that we all feel and experiment sometime, but that the technology or own eyes are not always abble to see, ..this magic is real...it is ENERGY.
  • STYLE OF CREATION : some time simple description, more contemplative, sometime descriptive, sometime shamanique, when i let the flow tell or teach me things, and that i m just a channel which receives the message and transmit it..atthis point i join sciences and divinations, invisible reality to which we are connected anyway cause all lin link, all has  a cause and effect logic,

about METISSIA ART and CONCEPT (page 5)

  • THE NAME OF MY ARTIT' S WHY I CALL MY CONCEPT "ALL IN ONE" , it s  the name of my first album and my first band, and stay the name of MY ARTISTICAL CONCEPT
  • and if i have to classify myself i would say, I' m an ECLECTIC ARTIST and do ECLECTIC ART, whatever what i do, cause it s my philosophy and so my way to deal with the things

  • to go on studying ART and to develop always more and more my capacity to fly with, and to give to people all my knowledge on stage, and to share with them all my knowlege, and parallely to built humanist structures
  • this process of cause to effects sent me to explore parallely  many domains, and according to my concept  "ALL IN ONE", sent me to explore  and create an anthropological project called also  "ALL IN ONE", in which i create a virtual micro society, to explore the capacity of  individual self-management of societies, coordinated by structures, without any hierarchy...This project is an humanist inter-active plattform......

MY SOURCE OF INSPIRATION : Nature, music, relaxation, meditation, people etc..
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